Student Council

Grade 05

Junior Head Girl

Grade 08

Middle School Head Girl

Grade 10

Vice Head Girl

Grade 11

Swimming and Vice Track Captain

Co-curricular Activities


WFUNA International Model United Nations is the most accurate simulation of the UN in the world. Participating in WIMUN January 2020, held in New York, I was given the Best Position Paper Award in the UN Environment Assembly.

Other Sports

A combination of sports helped me become a better swimmer. For every sport, from running to tennis, volleyball to skiing, especially yoga, breath control is the key.

  • Skiing -
    Skiing has always been a fun filled activity for me, ever since I learnt it at the age of 8 when my parents had sent me for the Les Elves Skiing camp in 2011. I still remember, about 2 years ago in Verbier, the first time I was going to the red slopes. As I reached the top of the mountain, my instructor told me to put my feet down and just push off the chair lift. As I tried to do so, I quickly tumbled to the edge of a great slope, ever so frightening. The only way to go now, was downhill. I took a deep breath with much anxiety, for this was the first time I felt like I could fall off 2500ft. down a mountain, at once. In a heartbeat, the exhilarating feeling of going downhill on a pair of thin skies took over. Veering left and right, dodging people, trees, at the same time was truly an amazing feeling, although dangerous one at that time. Flying down a slope at what felt like a hundred miles an hour, I felt as if I could leap up and fly away just like an eagle taking off from flight.
  • Yoga -
    This sport has taught me that "we can't stop the waves, but we can learn to surf". Practising yoga has not only helped me to strengthen my body and mind but also helped me balance thought and action; restraint and fulfilment. It gave me a holistic approach to health and wellbeing" For the last 2 years, I have been heading the International Yoga Day Programs at Government Grounds and programs, leading with breathing exercises of Pranayam to Surya Namaskars to Kapaalbharti and other asanas.
  • Volleyball
  • Chess
  • Photography -
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