Crowdfunding: COVID-19

Charity for Covid hit migrant workers

India witnessed the second largest mass migration in its history after the partition of India in 1947 triggered by Covid-19. In the absence of transportation during migration the panic stricken labourers and families including infants, pregnant women and elderly walked 1000s of kms barefoot without food and money to reach their native place. Many of these migrants were left stranded midway facing starvation and misery. The extent of this sudden migration was such that even the best of Government efforts could not match the crisis. As a responsible citizen of my country, I considered it my duty to help my fellow people and the least I could do during this lockdown was collect donations for the Collector and Chief Minister's fund for the migrant workers.

I started a crowdfunding campaign on 28th March 2020 for giving emergency food packs to the families of daily wage labour across NCR Delhi. This campaign aimed at raising $3345 or more to help 165 families or more. Just 20.07$ funded an emergency 21 day food / ration to a family of four. I was successful with 156% funding with a total of $4175 from 60 donors. Seeing the harsh and unending misery I could not help but additionally donate my prize money of 700USD, a sum I had received as a token of appreciation from Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation . On 1st March 2020 I was honoured to receive the Aravali Award for the upcoming sportsperson of the State in recognition of my English channel swim as the youngest in the world 2019. It may be a small amount but I believe that a drop in the ocean also counts.

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